One of my favorite pro life arguments.

As you may or may not know, france became the only country in the world to officially recognize abortion as a fundamental right for women. Obviously, this is incredibly sad and disheartening to see. But this decision allows us who hold to the pro life position to point out the fact that supporting the so called right to abortion disallows you from calling anything a human right to begin with.
An hour ago I put out a video fully fleshing out this argument for anyone interested. This is perhaps my favorite pro life argument because it forces the pro-choicer to attempt to reconcile a massive and irreconcilable contradiction in their worldview. It’s pro life on the offensive rather than the defensive. It’s also very simple to understand and articulate and will be a huge help to your position should you ever find yourself in one of these debates. I hope you find it useful. And if you’re a pro-choicer who can somehow reconcile this contradiction I would love to see it.







9 responses to “One of my favorite pro life arguments.”

  1. blindflatearther2 Avatar

    dam lets see what they come up with.

  2. Fernando Avatar

    I myself have tried to come up with a way to reconcile this issue and haven’t been able to.

  3. axelsUniverse Avatar

    How would you respond if a woman who was getting an abortion made the excuse of beeing raped, not having enough money, or deciding not to want the baby after all. I’m asking you this, because these are excuses I see often.

  4. Fernando Avatar

    Those require full length arguments of their own and can’t be summed up as simply. I can answer them all but not in the short reply you were probably expecting

  5. axelsUniverse Avatar

    Maby you could cover those in a video?

  6. Fernando Avatar

    Definitely. Just send me a clip of someone making 1 or more of those arguments and it’s done.

  7. Fernando Avatar

    I had to reupload this video because of issues with Youtube. Here is the new link, I have also updated the post.

  8. lwproductions Avatar

    If I’m not mistaken, elten’s comments do not have a character limit. I’d like to hear the arguments to that.

  9. Fernando Avatar

    You’re in luck. I had a discussion on this topic with someone yesterday, the following is an excerpt from the conversation, hopefully this is what you were looking for. Fernando Reyes, replying to Josh: That’s true but it misses my point entirely. I am defending the moral worth of the unborn here. I’m treating them like I would treat any other person, because ultimately an unborn child is a human being with dignity just as much as you or me. That is the entirety of the pro life position. Now. Because they are people, I, of course, apply the same moral standards to them. If you support killing an unborn child because they were conceived through rape, you accidentally end up saying that it is okay to make an innocent person pay for the crimes of another, and even worse, you end up saying that it is ok to make the innocent party pay with their life. The one paying with their life here is the unborn child, obviously. A consequence of this reasoning is that it’s no longer possible to hold to the idea that people shouldn’t be punished for other people’s crimes without being extremely inconsistent. I hope this clarifies my point. Edited, 1:23 AM, Sent, quoted message: Audio 3545 of 3568

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